We have decided to reward backers of General Staff on Kickstarter with thirty (yes, thirty!) battles / scenarios for the General Staff Wargaming System. They can be any battle, skirmish or detail of a battle (think the Peach Orchard at Gettysburg, for example). The only restrictions are they should be battles with a limit of about thirty units per side (the map just gets too crowded with more than 60 units running around) and there should be two superior levels of command (e. g. if we were to do Gettysburg there would be theĀ Army Commander and the Corps Commanders with divisions being the units represented on the map).
Let your imagination run wild! What battles, scenarios or skirmishes would you like to see? Please post in the comment section below, or use this handy Contact Us email form or write to me directly at Ezra [at] RiverviewAI.com

Screen capture of a scenario using a map of Trenton and General Washington’s Continental Army. Click to enlarge.
Pingback: Free Scenarios Twenty-One Through Twenty-Five | General Staff
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The Alamo?
San Jacinto?
Roarke’s Drift?
Little Big Horn?
Ligny and how about Agincourt (yea, it’s older)
Agincourt will be covered in General Staff: Ancient Warfare.
Late to the party, but Austerlitz would get a vote from me.
Just under the wire!
Not Waterloo, but Quatre Bras. A battle within a limited area with “unusual” troops (Dutch-Belgians), varied morale units, with a single defined objective. Would seem to be an ideal starter scenario. ?
Thanks for suggestion (you’re actually the third person to suggest Quatre Bras!).
We’ve had almost 300 battles suggested! I will be posting the results shortly.
Certainly the usual suspects will appear (Gettysburg, Waterloo etc) but these are a couple I feel are interesting but get unfairly over looked in the wargaming community:
Thanks for the suggestions. I will be coming out with a list shortly.
I’d love to see the Battle of Mackinac Island, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Mackinac_Island_(1814)
It’s one of those battles you never see mentioned basically anywhere. A numerically superior force of Americans was soundly beaten by a British force not even half the size, and of that half 50% were native troops. Not much of a battlefield to see these days, but it’s the only battlefield of it’s type in my area.
I’ve actually been to Mackinac Island! I have been thinking of smaller battles from 1812 and the French Indian War, too.
Many thanks for the feedback!