For your convenience our most common customer questions are answered right here. Not finding what you want? Reach out directly through our Contact Us page. This page was updated on August 7, 2017.
Q: What exactly is the General Staff Wargaming System?
A: The General Staff Wargaming System is a suite of four separate programs that allow the user to create new army order of battle tables, new maps, new battlefield scenarios and then command the armies in either a detailed simulation or a fun Kriegsspiel wargame.

Flow chart of General Staff. From the main screen the user can either create a new map, create a new army, combine a map and two armies into a new scenario or play a previously created scenario. Click to enlarge.
Q: This seems really complicated. What makes you think you can do all this?
A: The General Staff Wargaming System is actually an update of our UMS: The Universal Military Simulator which was a #1 game in 1988. So, we have done this before. We’re just adding new features and supporting a complete Windows graphical user interface.
Q: What formats will the General Staff Wargaming System ship on?
A: General Staff will ship for Windows (all operating systems from XP to Windows 10 will be supported, 32 bit and 64 bit).
Q: What about this Artificial Intelligence (AI) that I keep hearing about? What is so unique about the AI?
A: My doctoral research involved computational military reasoning; or tactical AI algorithms and unsupervised machine learning. I have written extensively on the subject and have been hired as a consultant and as a Project Manager by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the US Department of Defense, the US Office of Naval Research and the US Army. This is a link to articles about my AI Research.
Q: When will the General Staff Wargaming System be available?
A: As of August, 2017, the Army Design Module has been completed and has completed beta testing. The Map Design Module is currently in beta test. The Scenario Design Module is expected to enter beta test within the next month. The Play Module (i.e. the game) will be completed after a successful Kickstarter campaign. The purpose of the Kickstarter campaign is to help fund the last six months of work on the project. The last two years of development have been independently supported.
Q: What are the advantages of backing the General Staff Wargaming SystemKickstarter campaign?
A: First, you’ll be able to pre-buy the General Staff Wargaming System at a discount price. Plus, you will receive thirty scenarios that will not otherwise be available. Also, you will receive some great limited edition rewards like T-shirts, Hoodies and Polo shirts.